Friday, January 16, 2009

Samurai Dunnys For The New Year!!!

About fucking time I finished these up. I swear it seemed like forever that I'd get these done, but here they are now for your viewing pleasure!
Samurai Warlord and Geisha Dunny. I used a different process for the topknot on the Warlord. If you can see closely the topknot is actually two the ears sculpied together on the top of his head. I went for a different color pattern as well. Many kimonos in the Feudal Japan era are full of vibrant colors. I wanted to do the same put keep a neutral theme to it. As far as the Geisha is concerned, I'm pretty satisfied with it. Eventhough a lot of mixing of paints were involved to get the desired colors, I'm very happy with the results. I plan to make more with different hairstyle variations and of course wardrobe colors.
Armored Samurai Warrior Dunny. This by far is what kept me from finishing up the set. The additional headband and the armor were very tedious to create. Fortunately I came up with something that worked out. I just have to figure out how to ease the process the next time I make one of these. The spear is acutally historically correct in size for a Naginta. I had to do a lot of itsy bitsy detailing to get the effect. Hopefully my hardwork paid off. Two of these will go off to New Years Winners once the Kidrobot server gets back online. Whichever one that gets left over will be for sale. Enjoy!

1 comment:

Alex said...

Wow Just Amazing! I will be very happy with similar designs. Congrats! (Draifet)